Today we turned south and started the homeward journey and as I drive, Laura and her helpers work in in the back.

Leaving South Dakota we came upon fields of sunflowers. Lots of sunflowers!

And then it was into Nebraska

I didn’t have high expectations for Nebraska but the northern half is actually quite pleasant with rolling hills, cattle and a few farms. It was a bit greener than in these pictures and not terribly dull although after a hundred or so miles it did get rather redundant. Driving up each hill and reaching the peak, there’s an expectation of a new vista but instead it’s down into the next valley and then the same slow climb to the next crest and then again and again.

There was one new thing; up to now all the hay we had seen (a lot) had been in bails, usually rolls, and here were some real haystacks. I don’t want to come off as Johnny-City-Boy but I think these are the first genuine haystacks that I’ve ever seen.

Eventually the hills got shallower and shallower and we ended the day on the flats of central Nebraska. 249 miles today for a total of 4,301