Down hill. Down down down and down some more off the hills and down to where the flat-landers live. It was the last “vacation” day of our first adventure with RV McRVFace. Tomorrow we trickle down America’s wang to get home and answer the question “leave the shutters on another week?”

It was a great vacation and we did, for the most part, follow our original itinerary and get to 19 states in 19 days, visiting 10 out of 11 planned National Icons (we missed Mt. Rushmore).

391 miles today and when we get home tomorrow, we will have gone a total of 6,475 miles.

For those who haven’t seen one of Todd’s vacation plans, here’s the first few pages of the current one:

Includes a quick index page:

Handy icons to tell you what you’re doing and the resources available:

Turn-by-turn directions (in case the GPS isn’t working) and reservation details:

All stops shown in detail:

Interesting and informative tidbits:

And more!