A rainy night and now a rainy day. That’s OK, keeps things green and gives me time to sort, deduplicate, organize, tag, etc. the 21 years of photos I brought along for just such an occasion. Many of those will end up on toddandlaura.com – my wedding present to Laura 20+ years ago (Don’t go look at it. I’ve been not working on it for 20 years and there’s once again nothing there while I once again re-think what we want on there and once again figure out what tool to use and once again learn to use a new tool and once again … you get the picture. If it keeps on raining long enough maybe it’ll get done 😉)

Fun anecdote: During the night we would occasionally hear a loud thud and the whole RV would rock a bit. Random period of nothing … thud … rock … nothing … repeat. It was pissing down rain and I was too comfy in bed to check it out so instead I lay there theorizing what could be happening; were the jacks that we use to keep RV steady settling into the gravel? Hmmm, no that would only happen once and we don’t put too much pressure on them anyway. Perhaps the fresh water tank was over pressurizing and a relief valve was kicking off? Possibly but it was a pretty loud thud so that would not be a good thing and it was only happening when it was raining. Rain … a clue! Maybe there was something in the tree canopy over RV that would catch and release water onto the roof? Finally something that made a little sense. Having come to this conclusion and looking to share my insight with Laura, I went outside where she was walking one of the pups in the dry area under the awning – You see, RV has an awning that extends out about 10 feet for shade and I extend it even with trees because: why not? So here it is raining and boy is that convenient, a big umbrella so the dogs can pee in relative comfort – Anyway, there I was expounding my theory when all the sudden the awning does a little curtsy, dumps a load of water over the side and then resets all with a, you guessed it, thud … rock!