I loved walking around the Gatlinburg carnival, the smell of corn dogs and funnel cake arouses the wannabe child in me and I transform instantly into a 10 year old. To be honest, if I were there alone I’d have ridden all of the rides and eaten so much junk food that I’d be sick for the next 2 days. Thankfully Todd is there to save me from my bad self and from at least 5 extra pounds and 4 new zits on my chin.

There is a sock store in Gatlinburg, and as soon as I saw it I dashed across the threshold as fast as I could to find the elusive socks I’d been after since I moved to Florida. I asked Todd to assist me in my hunt, but he’d never heard of flip flop socks and wasn’t sure what to look for. Sometimes I just don’t know who he is. The socks were a bit pricey so I only picked up one pair since I can get them on Amazon for half the price (if I remember to order them). I am now sporting sudoku socks, which unfortunately did not come with a fabric pen so that I could solve the puzzles. Go figure.

We make our own beef jerky, it’s one of our favorite road snacks. The last batch of cure we purchased on Amazon was a bit lack luster, so we went on a hunt in the many jerky stores for the perfect cure to use in the next batch. We ran across this sign in one of the stores:

I am trying to get a job at this store for obvious reasons, think they’ll hire me?

There is an obsession with big foot here in the Smokys. Not my clown feet, big foot the large mammal. Do you think he’s real, and can he read the sign and understand that marked trails are my safe space?

He looks pretty friendly to me, kind of like a kid from my 9th grade science class.

Since it’s nearly impossible to get an Uber or Lyft, we took a taxi to Sevierville early one morning to pick up a rental car. The driver was a local man who also sells real estate on the side. The trip between our campground and Enterprise doesn’t pass though too many areas of interest, save one. The driver kindly pointed out a couple of large garages and a modest house that he says belongs to none other than Dolly Parton, and he said it’s where she stays when she’s in town. I’m a huge fan, I hope someday to see her perform in person or dare I hope to meet her. Her home resembles a house I lived in before I moved to Florida. It wouldn’t surprise me that she would be so modest (if that’s really her house).